Ever Heard of Green Plumbing – Part 2

Nowadays, people are becoming conscious about the environment, and green plumbing can help to protect the environment. So, together let’s learn more about green plumbing!

What Are the Features of Green Plumbing?

  • Green plumbing aims at reducing ecological impact while using sound plumbing practices.
  • Includes the installation of fixtures and accessories that use less water. For example, high-efficient faucets that can reduce water consumption and low-flow toilets that can reduce the amount of water each flush uses.
  • It consists of solar water heater options
  • Try to recycle waste materials.
  • Buy and use green and eco-friendly plumbing materials such as polymer-based ones. For instance, using cross-linked polyethene (or PEX) and steel water pipes can help to prevent water and water leaks and ensure an appropriate water pressure based on different needs.
  • Install rainwater harvesting systems
  • Establish greywater reuse systems
  • Make use of recycled materials such as flush valves.
  • It also includes raising awareness about water efficiency.

Benefits of Green Plumbing

Reduce Water Shortages

For every drop of water you waste, you must know that somewhere on earth, someone is desperately looking for a drop of water.”

– Mehmet Murat Ildan

Did you know that around 700 million people are suffering from water scarcity in the world? According to the United Nations statistics, 1.8 billion people will be living in water-stressed countries by 2025. This emerging worldwide water shortage should be taken into consideration as it represents a threat to human civilisation.

You might wonder what it has to do with green plumbing. Well, most households tend to use a lot of water. For example, an average American can use up to 88 gallons of water per day. Green plumbing can help to reduce our water consumption, conserve the natural water sources and ensure that all communities have sufficient water for their daily needs.

Using flow regulators can prevent high flow rates and reduce water usage by nearly half. Installation of low-flow and single lever mixer taps are highly recommended as it is said that they can decrease water consumption by almost 40%. Furthermore, you have dual flush or low flow system toilets that can help you save around 90 litres regularly.

Reduce Waste and Conserve Energy

Green plumbing is a practice that can help households to conserve water and energy. Fixtures such as low-flow showerheads can significantly reduce the amount of water required for showering. Another simple example is how compared to standard water heaters, tankless ones are every efficient as they tend to heat water only when you need it and hence are not constantly working. As a result, green plumbing features can help to save on water and electricity and become an integral part of household conservation strategies.

Protects the Environment

This green practice can decrease the environmental impact caused by households. Reducing energy consumption helps to curb pollution, the use of fossil fuels, and greenhouse gas emissions. And by controlling greenhouse gas emissions, it helps in lowering the climate change rate.

Long Lifespan of Appliances

By reducing water consumption, green plumbing helps keep appliances from overworking, ensuring a longer lifespan.

A Downside of Green Plumbing

Can Be Costly

Despite its many proven benefits, green plumbing is a technology that can cost significant amounts of money unless you receive special support from the state. For example, as discussed above, tankless water heaters might help conserve energy, but it is important to note that they are huge initial investments as one can cost up to $700-$1,000. You should also factor in the installation fee, which is significantly higher than installing a traditional tanked water heater.

What are your thoughts on green plumbing?  Please do not hesitate to share your comments below!

Ever Heard of Green Plumbing – Part 2

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