Even for stubborn stains, there’s no need to arm yourself with chemicals, often toxic, to clean your oven.
And since stubborn stains often rhyme with persistent odour, here are our eco-friendly tips for deodorizing and cleaning your oven!
1. Cleaning Your Oven in an Eco-Friendly Way
There are several ways to clean your oven in an environmentally friendly way. First of all, it is best to avoid :
– cleaning with cream degreasers and other industrial strippers that are relatively harmful to the environment;
– ammonia.
On the contrary, it is better to use sodium bicarbonate, a natural mineral used as a soap since antiquity:
– If the dirt in your oven is not too much:
◦ just sprinkle the oven walls with baking soda before spraying with white wine vinegar ;
◦ then, just wipe it off and your oven will be as good as new.
– If, on the other hand, oven stains are more resistant, you can :
◦ Make a paste of bicarbonate that is easy to apply to the stains: a little water mixed with bicarbonate is enough. Leave to stand for several hours before rinsing.
◦ If the stains are still resistant: carry out the same operation by adding soda crystals to the preparation (1/3 crystals for 2/3 bicarbonate are enough).
Good to know: you will find soda crystals in the laundry or household products sections of supermarkets for $2 to $5 per kilo.
2. Green Idea to Deodorize Your Oven
Despite powerful cleaning, the odours in your oven persist? First of all, let it air out. Ideally, leave the window open and close your kitchen.
Then, to make the oven smell good, follow this advice:
– Take some citrus zests: lemons, oranges, clementines, grapefruits, etc.
– Put the zests in aluminium foil, as if they were wrapped in foil in the oven while still hot or slightly heated.
– Leave a quarter of an hour and voilà, your oven will smell like citrus fruits!
Another similar trick works for both ovens and microwaves. In this case:
– Squeeze 2 lemon juices into a bowl or dish.
– Boil or heat it and let it cool completely.
Note: In the microwave, this is very quick. In the oven, a temperature of 200°C is required beforehand.
Despite doing all of the above, if your oven still breaks down, you can contact Unit Appliance in Melbourne suburbs. They are repair specialists that collect, assess and repair appliances in Moorabbin.